coastal California
First part added March 15, 2012
This Site is an archive site for
At the top of this page are all the word buttons for all the free to read mini books or short Stories (your choice). I have shared my experiences as an intuitive which you can choose to be either entertained by or enlightened by (hopefully both). However, I have a unique point of view and style. So as long as you are ready for that you will have fun with all this because learning and enlightenment should be fun whenever possible! The Index page might give you a better idea of what is here but I also need to better edit that page too. Since this is something I do in my spare time to make people's lives better and since I don't get paid for this except by God directly in every way sometimes my editing isn't the best. I love to write and sort of hate to edit. But since it takes about 10 to 100 times as long to edit as it does to write something you shouldn't be surprised at that. There are some useful descriptions of the above word buttons and what is there at the bottom part of this column starting with: the word button that will take you to my intuitivefred888 blogging site below.
I have enjoyed writing since I was 9 and am now 63. I'm primarily interested in both entertaining and enlightening my readers if they are interested in either. I have a very unique style of writing and don't really consider myself to be a professional writer. I write because I believe it will make your life and the whole world a better place both now and in the future. Since I have been a natural intuitive since birth and spent many years studying in college and have traveled all over the world and actually met people in cultures like Nepal and India where my family traveled all over in 1985 and 1986 for 4 months. This greatly influenced my thoughts after traveling to Bodhigaya, India and Dharamsala, India. I also trekked up into the Himalayas for several weeks walking about 50 miles with my family up into the Helambu region in the Himalayas near Kathmandu. We hiked up to 10,000 feet and saw many amazing things and stayed with two Sherpa Families related to our guide at around 9000 feet in elevation. There were no roads at all there then in that area. So, everything had to be carried in by porters sometimes 50 to 100 miles or more at that time.
If you just want to blog there are sites like my available which because it is a part of Google which goes worldwide.
Today is February 12th 2010. Since I consider my site a public service and anything I do on it is a conscious free volunteer effort I'm beginning to edit my Index site. It was originally built for a free Geocities site so some of what is listed I didn't bring over to this site and many new things I have written at my blog site.
I have moved here as it seemed appropriate. Some things at my last site like "Dad's Stories" and a few others I haven't moved to this site. The reason for these changes mostly have to do with changes in the world and in my life and feeling a need to be a little more protective of private information in this new age of cyber space. However, most of my writings in book form or short story form I have moved here along with a lot of new stuff.
Life According to Fred, past, present and future!
If you are interested in knowing more about Saint Germain click Saint Germain in in large letters at the top of this page.
Note: I'm still working on transferring the old web index page into the new one. As long as you only use the buttons at the top of the page and the underlined "index page" at the bottom of most web pages your navigation of this site should go smoothly.
Dedication: In Fall 1998 I lay in the recovery room for heart patients at Stanford Medical in Northern California. As I lay there on a guerney with about 60 other patients waiting to be operated on for anything from an angiogram to open heart surgery I realized that my fears of publicly sharing my amazing experiences in this lifetime were unfounded. I realized that the real tragedy would be if I died without sharing my amazing life with God and all my research into the meaning of life with others before I died. I resolved to start a website so others could read and printout or save what I have experienced and learned. In this way others lives could be made better, less fearful and more blessed and full of grace and amazing as mine has always been. At the time both doctors and I thought I might die. However, 7 months later I had fully recovered from my heart virus but here in March 2008 I'm still fulfilling my promise to God as this is his wish that I continue publishing through this website as well as my blog at intuitivefred888 at
This is my main index page. All buttons to all my web pages are here.
My blog is at another site. It is:
My online book "Memories" is here in 11 parts combined on 7 web pages. If you are wondering where 3 is it is with 2 (I just haven't corrected that type yet. I have published my online book which is free for you to read. If you like ufo and ESP experiences recounted including time travel that actually might be true in a book written by a lifelong Precognitive psychic who has studied with Christian mystic teachers, Tibetan Lamas in the U.S and India and Nepal and Native American Medicine men in Northern California and Oregon then you might enjoy this. If you just like Science fiction and fantasy I think you might enjoy my book as well. It's free to read or even print out a copy anywhere in the world and in any time or space.
"Memories" Part 1 The part 1 button is to your left here and above at the top of the website with all the other buttons. Within this Website rest the truths I have experienced since I was born in 1948 and beyond both before this life and after. I have fictionalized the truth only as much as was minimally needed to protect both myself, the reader and all beings who need protection. So, bask in the truths I have discovered in this lifetime and others if you will. Whether you choose to read or not, Blessings be upon you as you travel the Universe, Time without Beginning, Time without End! After you read 'Memories' you might want to also read my beginning sequels that continue to be written as I am inspired. They are:
(I will list them as you will read them on the buttons at top of webpage)
Saint Germain-Though Saint Germain has evolved through many incarnations as a human and other kinds of beings in the Galaxy, it is safe to say that Arcane is an incarnation of Saint Germain
Arcane is the main Character in "Memories". Though the main voice in "Memories" narrating is Jonathan Flow, who follows my own timeline, Arcane is the being that becomes Saint Germain through spiritual and human evolution and time travel. Darshan, from Atlantis is Arcane's previous lifetime to being born Arcane on New Deva. He is born there following his mentor, Fire Crystal, a sacred being from Atlantis when she reincarnates on New Deva about 1,000,000 years into our future. She is called A-Ray-in there. She is recognized as a Saint and Arcane becomes a Dragon of Compassion and the World Saver of the planet New Deva.
His Oneness- His Oneness is the last leader of Lemuria. It is my belief that he still lives today in stasis as the King of Shamballa. The Kalachakra Initiation given by the Dalai Lama and others might take one into his real world in stasis. It can also be reached through Mt. Shasta and Mt. Kailash and several other power points on Earth. But it is also protected beyond any means presently available on Earth from unwanted intrusions. This is my belief.
Celeste- She is Celeste Weaver. A-Ray-In reincarnates on a humanistic planet without any religions and re-meets Arcane in 1987 on the Golden Gate Bridge near San Francisco. At this point he has become a Galactic Time Guard member and is a planetary Anthropologist studying Earth cultures for the Guard like she is too.
Jonathan Flow is a mirror image of my life in many ways. He is met by Elohar and Ragna(his parents reincarnated in the future of earth) They are from what is now Switzerland only from 7028 AD. Ragna is a Time General of that Time for EArth and keeps the peace on earth by traveling back and forward in time to keep timelines intact and to prevent nuclear war and other bad things from happening to the time line(s). Jonathan's main job in this lifetime appears to be to chronical all these happenings(past, present and future) for future generations and present generations and possibly even past generations.
Tommy- Tommy is my real life Uncle who travels time. I try to include all the relevant facts that I can in this and other things I write about time travel. I feel this helps protect novice truth seekers from potential harm. To me, time travel is not a possibility it is a 99% probability. Just look at the logic. "If anyone anywhere has invented time travel in the past, present or future, and if it is scientifically possible to do so, then the probability is over 99% that time travel is here with us right now." Since the logic is flawless even MIT Students gave a party for real Time travelers within the last 10 years. However, all the time travelers were wise enough not to reveal themselves, since time travel is probably the most dangerous thing in the wrong hands yet invented in the universe.
Scifi-Is just some fun page that I left in from 1999 of musings.
Ragna-Is a time general of future Earth who comes back who comes back with his (eventual) wife Elohar to Visit Jonathan Flow (his son with her from a previous life).
Ragna also is instrumental in creating a 2nd timeline for Earth to avoid the war in 2001 that makes uninhabitable North and South America, all the Pacific all Asia and most of Africa and some of Europe. So, the seat of world Government in 7028 (on the first tiemline) is near the Matterhorn on the Swiss Italian Border. By creating a second timeline it increases the long term survival of the human race on the second timeline(as in hundreds of thousands of years).
The Protectors- His Oneness decides along with the Galactic Sentience that Jonathan Flow needs a bodyguard. So Purple Delta 7(she is an Infinite Class Battle Droid ) and the Sargent (who is a plasma being from a Star) who is a Galactic Space Marine war veteran. Since Purple Delta 7 and the Sargent are very close they make excellent partners to protect Jonathan from whatever comes past, present or future.
Eridian- Also called "Meridian" is who Jonathan Flow eventually evolves into over time.
Some things are difficult to explain even for me. I suppose one of my questions would be:How does Jonathan evolve as a being into Eridian if he is also the same soul as Arcane, His Oneness and King Interlaken? I think the best answer would be:
Truth is always stranger than fiction!
I decided to duplicate the index page into the home page so visitors would be less confused in finding what everything is about. So the index page should be basically the same as this one. All buttons to reach all pages at this site are at the top of every page.
Copyright 2009 dragonofcompassion. All rights reserved.
coastal California